Saturday, July 26, 2008

2 months and counting...

My departure for Malawi is exactly 2 months from today. Do I feel like i'm prepared? Not at all. Although I know I am mentally ready for this challenge, I feel like since I have 2 months I have plenty of time to get everything ready but at the same time the past 4 months since I found out about my invite to Malawi have flown by. I've started purchasing things I need, slowly but surely paying off my debt, and patiently waiting for my last day of work, my move back to Chicago, and eventually my departure for Africa. To give you a better idea of the process that I went through to get here, here's a timeline of happenings from the first time I submitted my application.

Mar.2006-->submitted application to become PCV
Apr.2006--> Received a letter from the PC stating they were freezing my application because my intended departure date(6/2007) was over 9 months away.
Late September 2006--> resubmitted application
Oct.2006-->Interview with PC recruiter
Nov.2006-->offered a nomination to become a PCV, the rest is dependent on medical/legal/dental clearance
Dec.2006-->take the steps to get medical clearance; become legally cleared
June 2007--> Finish paperwork from optomotrist
July 2007--> Medical paperwork comes back; have to redo some blood work because the doc ordered the wrong test
Sept.2007-->Finish paperwork for dental clearance
Nov.2007-->update expired pap smear due to PC 1 year expiration policy
Dec.2007--> Medically/Dentally cleared
Mar.2008-->Received call from Placement officer wondering if I could speak any romance languages...only to find out the program I was nominated to in July was for a french-speaking western Africa country. Needless to say, I'm not heading that way.
Late Mar.2008--> Received invite to Malawi for Sept. 2008

Now i'm just waiting to get shipped out. Sometimes it takes longer for individuals and sometimes it's less, but it all depends on how quick you are about getting the things they need to them.

More will be posted soon...

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